Business, Entrepreneurship, Finance Uses AI to Revolutionize How Mortgage Professionals Find Their Dream Jobs

Loan officers and branch managers will be excited to know that they now have a free research assistant that can help them to find brokers and banks that match their career aspirations. has created a complimentary platform that uses AI to weed out unsuitable institutions and generate a list of best matches. Since its launch, it has been revolutionizing the mortgage industry and improving how professionals find employment across the United States. Through such innovative features as its proprietary questionnaire and Know Your Worth, has eliminated the clutter from the job search process, ultimately giving hours back to loan officers and empowering them to live on their own terms. 

The team at, led by Sebastian Rametta, believes that the job search for mortgage professionals does not have to be inefficient – in fact, it can be productive,  empowering, and even exciting. The key, Rametta says, lies in no longer accepting that finding the right institutions has to be tedious and time consuming 

“How many of us have been the characters in job search horror stories?” he asks. “We all know how frustrating it is to submit application after application, only to be rejected because the institution wasn’t the right fit. While the process will always have some element of chance, at, we decided to use AI to lower the barriers to connecting with the best banks and brokers around the United States.”

Geography was a big concern for the designers of They knew that with markets fluctuating daily, loan officers and branch managers needed a wide-angle view of America so that they could see the kinds of jobs that were available in different markets and the salaries that they might earn. 

“In the past, that kind of deep level of research took days to accomplish. That is why we turned to AI and machine learning,” Rametta explains. “Today’s technology can do in minutes what used to take hours or even days to accomplish. is cutting down the time it takes for loan officers and branch managers to find and connect with suitable banks and brokers.”

At, the matching process begins with a 10-minute questionnaire that targets the unique goals and aspirations of the mortgage professional. After asking very specific questions about the individual’s employment preferences, AI analyzes the answers and uses the specific data points to match the applicant with the best mortgage companies. Any institution that does not match their preferences is automatically filtered out. then negotiates deals with each broker and bank on the behalf of the mortgage professionals and presents the best overall options. All information remains highly secure.

“It really is that simple. That is the beauty of artificial intelligence. It is capable of synthesizing so much information on an extraordinarily deep level that it saves mortgage professionals from a tedious job search,” says Manny Iosue, SVP of National Recruiting. “We also have a very valuable, free tool for mortgage professionals: ‘Know Your Worth.’ This allows them to learn what they can make in a specific market, giving them the confidence to ask for their dream compensation.”

Since 2017, has recruited 400+ branch managers and 1,000+ loan officers utilizing its proprietary questionnaire. Mortgage professionals recruited by have funded over $13B in loans and are working in banks and brokers across the United States.

“Check us out even if you aren’t sure if you’re ready for a new position just yet,” Iosue suggests. “As we all know, knowledge is power, especially when it’s free and produced by AI and ML. By understanding how much your skills and experience are really worth and comparing that to positions around the United States, you may discover exciting, can’t-miss opportunities that can change your life for the better.” is the number 1 recruiting and placement firm in the mortgage industry. It strives to be the leader in connecting banks with the most trusted and reliable professionals. Its team uses cutting-edge AI technology to find perfect matches, negotiate pricing and compensation, and take care of all due diligence. is committed to delivering quick, efficient, and effective matches that help its clients achieve success. 

July 25, 2024

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